Episode 10 - A Cheerful Giver - Janice Munemitsu

Coffee Meets Bible Episode 10 Graphic Template.jpg

Episode Background:

A huge part of kingdom work is generosity, but we're coming at it from a different angle. Janice Munemitsu gives us a peek of how liberating a generous heart can be. After a full career in food supply and a series of divine appointments, God led Janice to work for GenerousGiving, an organization not concerned with the amounts of money that people choose to give, but rather the heart that they give with.

Please listen to her episode and follow us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts & Google Podcast!

Join us for a Cultivation Project/Coffee Meets Bible "JOG" (Journey of Generosity) event where we can come together through a virtual Zoom meeting to cultivate generous hearts together! Please sign up at the form below: